My life isnt wierd. Is it?

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Another Post.... Finally...

Ok ok... yes I know it has been ages since I have written anything here.. The reason is that I forgot about it. The only reason I found it again is because I was looking at the other Blog I started ages ago to document my experiences with making a short film. Well, I havent done anything on that Blog but I have a good reason for that. There is no short film... it fell through like most of my other projects... So anyway, I noticed this personal blog I started and had a read of what I wrote so far.. and decided that I would add something to it. I am not sure if I will ever do this again but for now this blog lives on! Wow that's a great incentive for someone to read it or even subscribe to it.. 'Yeah lets read this blog that some has written like two entries into and thats all'. Yeah well, I am just being honest. Its probably just going to be another one of these things that I start and that I am really enthusiatic about and then lose interest and discard.

So yeah thats it really. Not a great deal has happened in my life since my last post... Well kinda has but not really. I am still working in the same job but the good news is that I am finishing up at the end of next week!! YEAH!!!!! FUCK YEAH!!!! SHIT YEAH!!!!!!!!! For those of you that don't know, I work in a shitty IT Helpdesk job for a bank in the city. The pay is good so I shouldnt really be complaining. Its just that the job kinda sucks big time and I am tired of listening to people moaning all day about how they can't print or that they have forgotten their password or how slow the internet is etc etc etc. I know there are far worse jobs out there so I really should be content. So anyway, I have decided to finish up and take some time off. I think I am going to try and take the rest of the year off if I can. Supporting my lifestyle wont be too much of a problem cause I have saved considerable amounts of cash in the last year. That along with the money I brought back with me when I was working in the UK will be more than enough to not have to worry about working for a while.

I am going to try and rediscover my creative side with my time off. The storyline that I was adapting into the failed short movie project is now being incorporated into the novel I am attempting to write. I am so hoping that this does not turn into one of these uncompleted projects. I have made a start on it which is good.. its hard going though and I find I can only manage a few pages a week at this stage. I think once I finish doing this shitty uncreative mind-numbing job I will be able to enspire myself to finish it. I am actually quite excited about working on the novel! I have my laptop with wordprocessor software loaded and waiting for me... Its going to be so cool. I can take it to inspiring places and just type the day away! I wonder if bigtime authors do the same.. I am sure they do..

So yeah... tons of stuff to still talk about. I guess I will try to continue with this blog. I am finding it strangely therapeutic in a way and I guess it is nurturing a creative frame of mind. I also think it's good to read and write about 'real stuff' rather than just fiction and quasi-fiction. These sorts of blogs are real life and I think that's what faciniates people the most..

Stay tuned.