My life isnt wierd. Is it?

Monday, March 20, 2006

First Post... Continued.

OK. This post starts just like the first. I am back from lunch and as predicted I am in less of a mood to ramble on here. Oh don't worry, I will still be spouting meaningless phrases like a flamin' lunatic escaping from a mental asylm. OK, now I am trying too hard. Sorry. Anway, I am back at work sitting at my desk with my freshly made, horribly tasting instant coffee, after eating my two rolls of tasty sushi I bought from the closest food court from my office I could visit. Ok, I also had a skewer of chicken pieces that didn't taste so good (they changed the recipie) but still fairly healthy over all I think. I could of done without the chicken I guess. I just love food and eating and will go through periods where I am not really that hungry and then I will go through weeks of just wanting to eat heaps. luckily, I seem to know when enough is enough and I havent really every been too overweight. I think if I let myself go though I could get really really fat. I could win a gold medal in Steak, Chicken, Pizza, Ribs and burger eating.. hahahahah My ex-girlfriend used to say things like that. She is Scottish and lives in Glasgow and can be really funny when she wants to be. She'd always say things like..'I could eat for Scotland'... She liked her food as well. I still talk to her on MSN when I see her online and emails from time to time. I do miss her sometimes.

Well I just overheard my boss say that he is going to have a network meeting. This basically means all of the network/project guys and support staff are involved. About 5 people in total. Why am I bogging this information? I don't bloody know, I guess it's a good way to say I am signing off for now but I am sure I will be writing more in the near future. I have tons to write about......


Blogger Chris Saad said...

welcome to the land of personal blogging my friend - prepare to get very addicted (or loose interest in 2 weeks - either way)

3:38 AM  
Blogger dilse said...

Hi marcello, i noticed you read my post, so i figured i could read yours and see what you were up to. I am glad to see that you are a very funny guy. I am sorry you didnt come back to the blogging scene. i guess for me is more like a journal than a blog, but i think your 2 post were entretaining :)

12:46 AM  

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