My life isnt wierd. Is it?

Monday, March 20, 2006

First Post... Continued.

OK. This post starts just like the first. I am back from lunch and as predicted I am in less of a mood to ramble on here. Oh don't worry, I will still be spouting meaningless phrases like a flamin' lunatic escaping from a mental asylm. OK, now I am trying too hard. Sorry. Anway, I am back at work sitting at my desk with my freshly made, horribly tasting instant coffee, after eating my two rolls of tasty sushi I bought from the closest food court from my office I could visit. Ok, I also had a skewer of chicken pieces that didn't taste so good (they changed the recipie) but still fairly healthy over all I think. I could of done without the chicken I guess. I just love food and eating and will go through periods where I am not really that hungry and then I will go through weeks of just wanting to eat heaps. luckily, I seem to know when enough is enough and I havent really every been too overweight. I think if I let myself go though I could get really really fat. I could win a gold medal in Steak, Chicken, Pizza, Ribs and burger eating.. hahahahah My ex-girlfriend used to say things like that. She is Scottish and lives in Glasgow and can be really funny when she wants to be. She'd always say things like..'I could eat for Scotland'... She liked her food as well. I still talk to her on MSN when I see her online and emails from time to time. I do miss her sometimes.

Well I just overheard my boss say that he is going to have a network meeting. This basically means all of the network/project guys and support staff are involved. About 5 people in total. Why am I bogging this information? I don't bloody know, I guess it's a good way to say I am signing off for now but I am sure I will be writing more in the near future. I have tons to write about......

My first post.

Ok. I guess that is a good place to start. How long this blog goes on for I guess time will only tell. This may be the last post. Who knows! Why am I writing this blog anyway? Is anyone actually going to read it? And I don't mean friends that I plead and beg with...' So what do you think'..'Are my ramblings interesting?'..'Aren't I cool for having my own blog..' And I've always been the one to turn away from things that are 'this moments' cool. Mmmmmmm

That said here I am writing my personal blog. A place where I can air my dirty laundry, speak my mind, talk the talk and do the walk. Well not really but you get my drift. Man, I am already not liking this as I think it sounds too much like I am trying to sound cool. But hey, my theory is very little people are actually going to read this so it can't really add or detract from my cool factor. Write then!!! Write!!! Liberate my fingers on these plastic keys and prepare to receive the oozings of my brain.. OK this is starting to sound weird. Hey! thats the title of this blog so it fits perfectly! Man I am crap at this.

So anyway. Here I am at work, trying to manage my work load with writing this first entry into my blog. In reality, I am managing it just fine. You see, I work on a IT Helpdesk for a quite a large albeit horrendously disorganised bank in the city of Brisbane, Australia, and well it not very busy at the moment. It can get busy mind you. I guess it goes up and down like the tide. At the moment it is low tide, thank god. I hate my job. I haven't always done so. In fact, my whole life I have loved computers and IT Geek related stuff. Oh hold it a sec. My stomach just rumbled.. its 12:30 and time for lunch.. Yummy! I will continue this post later. Maybe I should publish it first so I don't get some plonker coming along and pulling the power out of my PC and losing all of this valuable stuff I have written.. Yeah right! Who am I trying to kid. God I am speaking shit now. And I hate people that speak shit!! Its one of my pet hates. OK.. Publish...Lunch..then I will be back...Hopefully I won't be in too much of a different mood and I will be able to write some more... Ciao.